James Keegans
Education Consultancy
One of the main contributors to individual and school improvement is the professional development of teachers and school leaders. Continuous professional learning makes such a significant contribution to the quality and effectiveness of learning and teaching.
The purpose of what I do is to support you in addressing your own professional development needs. Through use of a variety of techniques I will enable you to identify skills and personal goals designed to ensure successful outcomes aligned with your own career development.
Based in the West of Scotland, tutoring clients in surrounding areas of Glasgow and Edinburgh as well as more widely across Scotland and the UK.
What I do
On a 1:1 or small group basis I work with teachers and school leaders at all levels to provide an opportunity for critical self-reflection and planning for professional learning and development.
“Professional credibility based on extensive experience enables James to demonstrate sound knowledge on the challenges, commitment and professionalism that practitioners in education embrace” - Head Teacher, Ayrshire
Support themes:
Coaching and Mentoring
As an accredited coach you will be in place to benefit from coaching in 1:1 sessions. I will lead you through a programme of coaching skills and techniques of immediate value for you in the school context.
Leadership Development
As leadership development tutor I will use audits of leadership and management styles enabling you to recognise your strengths and areas for further exploration. I will direct you to relevant literature and research with the aim of enhancing your knowledge of leadership and management theory and practice.
Professional Learning Planning
You will use a model of professional planning to construct a personal professional learning plan with appropriate success criteria.
Self-evaluation against appropriate standards including GTCS
Having support of coach/mentor on 1:1 basis you will be enabled to more effectively evaluate your performance and determine manageable goals for improvement.
Emotional Intelligence
Using Emotional Intelligence audits, I will enhance your understanding of Emotional Intelligence as an integral feature of effective leadership. You will further explore your own emotional competencies and set your own goals for professional improvement.
- Project Director Flexible Route to Headship 2006-2012
- Qualified coach (ABNLP)
- Accreditation with Hay Group in Emotional Intelligence competences
- Educational Consultancy (2012-present)
Experience and Qualifications
- MA (Hons), MEd (Hons), SQH
- Extensive school experience in learning & teaching and leadership & management
- National CPD Team (2006-2012)
“James has exceptional insight into the practical challenges facing educators and enabling him to ‘get alongside’ to support development”
Principal, Kinross
Accredited by Hay Group “James uses Emotional Intelligence competencies in working with others, adjusting his approach to meet the needs of individuals. I would asses this to be a key strength which James brings to working with people”
Coaching participant
"Very experienced provider of professional development at national level”"
Associate Tutor and Honorary Fellow,
University of Glasgow, School of Education
As ABNLP accredited coach and with a great deal of experience in coaching and mentoring “James uses a coaching style in challenging individuals to think outside the box and from a variety of different perspectives. This is enhanced by an affable and humorous style while questioning in a way which promotes understanding and confidence”
Head teacher West Dunbartonshire Council
Given James’ experience in leadership development at national level including routes into headship then it was not unexpected that
“The support sessions made me so much more reflective on my role as Middle manager in a whole school context”
Principal Teacher, Dundee City Council
“James is a creative planner able to listen to the unique individual requirements for team building and weaving the different elements into a robust programme of professional development”
National CPD Team review
What to expect...
With my experience as teacher, school leader and consultant I am well qualified to provide individual or group support in coaching and mentoring, leadership development and professional learning planning. You can select to do single sessions or book a course of sessions. Each client has a customised plan of action, cost and agreed programme tailored to their needs.
I will travel to a venue determined for convenience by individuals or group.